I recently started using MaaS 3.0.0 (up from 2.4). I was able to enlist, commission, and deploy nodes up until today when I started getting the following when I tried to enlist some nodes:
Can not apply stage config, no datasource found! Likely bad things to come!
I eventually traced it down to the enlist-preseed URL (http://x.x.x.1:5240/MAAS/metadata/latest/enlist-preseed/?op=get_enlist_preseed) giving a 500 error to the client, this is the output when I browse to it in Chrome:
name 'metadata_enlist_url' is not defined at line 8 column 22 in file /var/snap/maas/15003/preseeds/enlist
I still have my 2.4 version up and I get the following when I go to the same path:
timeout : 50
max_wait : 120
# there are no default values for metadata_url or oauth credentials
# If no credentials are present, non-authed attempts will be made.
metadata_url: http://x.x.2.4:5240/MAAS/metadata/enlist
output: {all: '| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log'}
I tried creating/editing /var/snap/maas/15003/preseeds/enlist
on my 3.0 maas with my 2.4 version but the 3.0 webpage never returns anything useful, just that same error.
Does anyone have an insight into what is going on/how to fix it?