I installed the Lite edition of AppImageLauncher on Lubuntu 21.04 and now I want to uninstall it. However, I don't know how to.

These are the steps I took to install it:

  1. Go here.
  2. Download the Lite edition of AppImageLauncher for i386.
  3. Open a terminal.
  4. Install AppImageLauncher Lite by running ~/Downloads/appimagelauncher-lite-*.AppImage install.
  • Did you try this from the project page: "Removing integrated AppImages is pretty simple, too. Similar to updating AppImages, you will find an entry in the context menu in the application launcher that triggers a removal tool. You will be asked to confirm the removal. If you choose to do so, the desktop integration is undone, and the file is removed from your system."
    – Paul
    Jul 20, 2021 at 20:27
  • I read that, but I don't get what's the "context menu" and where I can find it. Is it in AppImageLauncher Settings? Because if so, there's nothing about removal there. @Paul
    – user1200336
    Jul 21, 2021 at 10:33

1 Answer 1

~/Downloads/appimagelauncher-lite-*.AppImage uninstall


rm -r ~/.local/lib/appimagelauncher-lite/
rm ~/.local/share/applications/appimagelauncher-lite-AppImageLauncherSettings.desktop

this should update the desktop entry data base

  • 1
    I'm an Ubuntu noob, so would you mind to explain what that does?
    – user1200336
    Jul 21, 2021 at 10:34
  • 1
    I ran the last two commands, but the AppImages that I integrated still show up in the runner. What did I do wrong? @Serg
    – user1200336
    Jul 22, 2021 at 13:52
  • @Senketsu Sorry, I just edited the answer from Inee to make it more readable. Unfortunately I hardly can assist you.
    – Serg
    Jul 22, 2021 at 14:44
  • Thanks for your help anyways. @Serg
    – user1200336
    Jul 23, 2021 at 10:28

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