All of a sudden Steam won't open. I've not made any changes to Steam or the system, apart from software updates which are run daily.
I've tried running steam from the CLI but get the following:
Running Steam on ubuntu 20.04 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
Pins up-to-date!
Steam client's requirements are satisfied
WARNING: Using default/fallback debugger launch
/home/mark/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam -nominidumps -nobreakpad
[2021-06-10 13:30:59] Startup - updater built Jun 8 2021 22:23:36
Looks like steam didn't shutdown cleanly, scheduling immediate update check
[2021-06-10 13:30:59] Loading cached metrics from disk (/home/mark/.steam/package/steam_client_metrics.bin)
[2021-06-10 13:30:59] Using the following download hosts for Public, Realm steamglobal
[2021-06-10 13:30:59] 1., /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 100, source = 'update_hosts_cached.vdf'
[2021-06-10 13:30:59] 2., /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 100, source = 'update_hosts_cached.vdf'
[2021-06-10 13:30:59] 3., /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1, source = 'baked in'
[2021-06-10 13:30:59] Checking for update on startup
[2021-06-10 13:30:59] Checking for available updates...
[2021-06-10 13:30:59] Downloading manifest:
[2021-06-10 13:30:59] Download skipped: /client/steam_client_ubuntu12 version 1623193086, installed version 1623193086, existing pending version 0
[2021-06-10 13:30:59] Nothing to do
[2021-06-10 13:30:59] Verifying installation...
[2021-06-10 13:30:59] Performing checksum verification of executable files
[2021-06-10 13:31:00] Verification complete
STEAM_RUNTIME_HEAVY: ./steam-runtime-heavy
I've tried removing steam sudo apt purge steam
and then reinstalling Steam fresh sudo apt install steam
yet I still get the exact same error.
What can I do? Are there any possible logs I should be looking for?