I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 (kde) and I need a diagram creator software like Miro https://miro.com/login/ . I have already found some alternatives like Dia, LibreOffice Draw, Calligra Flow but they are not so handy. I would like to install a software that can allows me to export diagrams in eps/svg/pdf formats, and use various pre-defined templates.

I usually use inkscape for drawing diagrams. Do you know if I can import shapes in inkscape like in the Miro software ? Thanks

  • 1
    I had the same problem and can guarantee you will LOVE Google drawings docs.google.com/drawings/d/…
    – Rinzwind
    May 7, 2021 at 13:54
  • I'm curious what you meant by "not so catchy"... For drawing diagrams, flowcharts, etc., I now use dia and I personally think it's great... I'm open to better software, but preferred dia over inkscape. Inkscape has a lot more features...more than what I needed.
    – Ray
    May 7, 2021 at 14:16


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