When I insert an SD card, it auto-mounts at /media/user/label with the user as the owner and root as the group.

I would like it to auto-mount in a non-user-specific place, say /media or /mnt, ideally with a different group so that I can allow other users to access it.

If I make a directory at /media/user/label and chown it, that is ignored and the SD card mounts at /media/user/label1.

I mostly leave the same SD card in all the time for first-line backup purposes, which is why I need other users to be able to access the mount point, but occasionally I eject it and put another SD card in temporarily for other purposes, so I don't want to put it in fstab.

I have found the Kubuntu Systems Settings which allow you to change whether it auto-mounts, but it does not allow you to specify where it automounts or with what permissions.

1 Answer 1


After a lot of searching, this stackexchange question pointed me to this piece of udisks source code, which shows the mount point is hard coded!

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