How to skip N lines
when a pattern is found in awk?
awk '{if ($0~/pattern/) skip N lines; else print $0}'
Let me show you how to make that awk solution more idiomatic (refer to the awk info page on stackoverflow).
Starting with:
$ seq 10 20 | awk '{if ($0 ~ /11/) {n=NR+6}; if (NR<n) next; print $0}'
First, we'll take the if
statements, and turn them into condition {action}
awk '
$0 ~ /11/ {n=NR+6}
NR < n {next}
{print $0}
Then, we'll use $0
as the default value for some things:
awk '
/11/ {n=NR+6}
NR < n {next}
Then, we'll take {print}
as the default action if the condition is true
awk '
/11/ {n=NR+6}
NR < n {next}
Then, we'll invert the NR < n
condition to remove the next
awk '
/11/ {n=NR+6}
NR >= n
And we can one-liner-ize it:
awk '/11/ {n=NR+6} NR >= n'
This produces the same output
$ seq 10 20 | awk '/11/ {n=NR+6} NR >= n'
awk '{if ($0 ~ /11/) {n=NR+6}; if (NR<n) next; print $0}'
awk '/11/ {n=NR+6} NR >= n'
As a last step, you might want to pass the pattern and the value of N as parameters into awk, so they don't have to be hardcoded. This inflates the awk call but might be more flexible for you:
awk -v patt="11" -v N=6 '$0 ~ patt {n = NR + N} NR >= n'
By placing the parameters after the awk script, -v
can be dropped, making the command a bit shorter:
awk '$0 ~ patt {n = NR + N} NR >= n' patt=11 N=6
One advantage to putting the variables after the awk body is they can get different values for each file:
awk '$0 ~ patt {n = NR + N} NR >= n' patt=11 N=6 file1 N=10 file2
sed '/11/,+5 d'
(lines matching pattern /11/
and the 5
next lines are deleted from the output)
N = number of lines to skip
awk '{if ($0~/pattern/) {n=NR+N;} if (NR<n) next; print $0;}'