I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and I want to use VirtualBox 6.1. I installed that successfully,and I added extension pack successfully. But when I try to use my usb in my virtual machine I get a warning message which is "no devices available". I know it is not about ubuntu exactly, but when I tried in Windows I was worked. Can you help me how can I solve this problem.

  • What sort of device are you trying to use? A USB memory stick? A USB dongle? A USB scanner? … 🤔
    – user1091774
    Jan 25, 2021 at 9:23
  • My device is an usb wifi adaptor, and Jay-Pi's comment helped me to solve it. thanks all of you
    – exiort
    Jan 26, 2021 at 10:15

1 Answer 1


Please add your user name to the vboxusers group with this command:

sudo adduser $USER vboxusers

Then restart.

Link to related ubuntu help page

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