enter image description here

In this screen there is a lot of unused space which can be used. It requires me to scroll to see more icons and go to next page and other pages. Is there a way to consolidate all icons in one page? How can this be done by command line? Right now this looks like more of an android screen rather than a desktop screen. A very desired feature in Ubuntu.

  • 1
    Please ask one question at a time at Askubuntu.
    – To Do
    Jan 7, 2021 at 9:31
  • Ok! I have edited this question now. Asking the second question in new thread. Thanks.
    – user1166730
    Jan 7, 2021 at 12:46

1 Answer 1


Your first request can be done with Gnome extensions.

In particular you may use More columns in applications view

Not sure how to increase icon size though.

  • Thanks a ton!! I have successfully did it. Still there is some space but it is great that at least this much is achieved!! Thank you very much. Now only second request is remaining. :)
    – user1166730
    Jan 7, 2021 at 10:13
  • Hi! On searching for an icon name does it show up after we use this extension for increasing the array size? I am getting this following image no matter what application I search. It shows searching but cannot see any application: i.postimg.cc/yNZBHMnt/Screenshot-from-2021-01-07-23-44-23.png
    – user1166730
    Jan 7, 2021 at 18:16

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