I am trying to download gsconnect on my ubuntu 20.04 but the apt download does not show anything in the tray and has no cli command apparently. So I read on a forum the one on the gnome.extensions site works but it's just a zip folder filled with .js files with no instructions I have no idea how to run or install that. No instructions on the site or anywhere on google to be found too besides install gsconnect.

2 Answers 2


I assume you have downloaded the zip folder in your $HOME/Downloads/ directory.

cd $HOME/Downloads
gnome-extensions install gsconnectandyholmes.github.io.v43.shell-extension.zip

Refresh gnome-shell with Alt+F2 r enter method.

gnome-extensions enable [email protected]

Again Refresh gnome-shell with Alt+F2 r enter method.

enter image description here

Further, go through this post and concentrate on Installation Instructions. https://askubuntu.com/a/1232696/739431


Make sure you download the plugin for your browser as well Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/gsconnect/ Chromium: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gsconnect/jfnifeihccihocjbfcfhicmmgpjicaec

  • 1
    Can you advise how to do that?
    – Zanna
    Apr 1, 2021 at 8:12

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