I have been trying to get a RAID5 partition going on a home file server with limited success. Thus far, I've managed to build the array, and I can mount it manually.

However, it creates the array at /dev/md127, whereas I was expecting to see it at /dev/md0.

Also, it doesn't automount, I'm assuming because I have to add the individual disks to /etc/fstab? It certainly doesn't like it when I try to mount /dev/md127. I can mount it using the GUI on the server, but commandline mount via ssh fails, anyway.

It's a software-based RAID array using mdadm.

  • I'm not sure if this matters, but is this a hardware based RAID (i.e., to manage it, you'd have to go into BIOS) or software-based? And yes, automount at boot time would require editing /etc/fstab.
    – Ray
    Oct 8, 2020 at 5:52
  • it's in software. Sorry - slightly important detail. Edited the post to reflect the change.
    – Joel Graff
    Oct 8, 2020 at 11:16
  • I see! Until now, I've only dealt with hardware-based RAIDs; I've never seen this kind of problem before. I've added the "mdadm" tag...hopefully someone else can help you! Good luck!
    – Ray
    Oct 9, 2020 at 8:25

1 Answer 1


Solved. Reformatted the partition using mkfs.ext4 and it showed up and mounted manually. Added to /etc/fstab and rebooted and automounting worked as it should.

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