I presed Alt+F4 on Ubuntu and entered tty4 mode. After searching on Ask Ubuntu, I tried to use sudo kbd_mode -s but now I can't do anything.


1 Answer 1


sudo kbd_mode -s switches the keyboard into raw mode, which stops the terminal from interpreting anything you type, such as Enter, so is only usable non-interactively to get unprocessed key-strokes. This is why man kbd_mode warns:

Warning: changing the keyboard mode, other than between ASCII and Unicode, will probably make your keyboard unusable.

Luckily there is a special key combination that can escape raw mode if it hasn't been disabled: Alt+SysRq+R

Otherwise, as you're not in an xterm, there is no other escape and you'll have to reboot. Trying the rest of the REISUB emergency reboot sequence Alt+SysRq+(EISUB), waiting a second or two between each letter, is the best way to do this if enough of it works.

  • It tells me that 'This sysrq operation is disabled' Aug 30, 2020 at 9:47
  • It worked with Alt+SysRq+ REISUB. Thanks a lot for helping me🙇‍♂️ Aug 30, 2020 at 11:22

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