I had recently the need to install a faxmodem. I chose a Conexant USB device. Very little information is available to Linux users, causing me many hours of frustration. But I succeeded. In the event this may be of help, this is what I did and why...
1/ Use the terminal commands only.
2/ Connect the USB device. Verify your machine sees the device by entering: lsusb.
If recognised, proceed. If not, obtain a different device.
3/ List all tty ports by entering: ls -l /dev/tty*.
My system showed the device was connected to ttyS0.
4/ Install efax-gtk from flatpak.
You can try the deb version. But on my machine, the deb version had menus and icons too small to read.
5/ Open efax, file menu,settings, and enter the ttyS0 as the port to use.
6/ Attempt to connect to the fax device by clicking the standby button on the efax main page. IF the port is correct, you will connect.
In my case, the ttyS0 was incorrect, and I could find no means to tell me why. So I had to do the following...
7/ Install wvdial by entering: sudo apt install wvdial.
8/ Configure wvdial by entering: sudo wvdial.conf /etc/wvdial.conf
This will tell you which is the real port to use. In my case, the real port is ttyACM0. Complete the config. (ACM = abstract control module)
9/ Open efax again, and change the setup to ttyACM0.
10/ The fax should now respond. Attempt the standby again.
11/ IF you get a message about no permissions, you need to change the permission for ttyACM0, by entering: sudo chown $USER: /dev/ttyACM0
12/ All should be working now. IF you want a fax log, enter the directory and name in the efax setup menu.
13/ IF everything in efax appears to be correctly setup, and you cannot send faxes because of timeout during transmission, then chances are you need to alter the efax initialisation string. Use the settings menu, and see if the parameters default string begins with &FE. Change this parameter to &F0 or &F1 or &F2 (depending upon your fax card) (in my case, &F1 worked).
I hope this is of help to people.