I have a strange problem with Ubuntu file permissions. I have a fresh ubuntu installed server and I've mounted a shared drive. sudo mount //Hostname:ifs/path/to/directory/file /mnt/my directory. The drive mounted successfully but whenever i try to go into any of the shared folder directory, it says "Permission Denied". If i use sudo su - "root" everything works perfectly. But my requirement is the standard user should be able to access the files same as root because we are running certain applications by the standard user which will eventually writes at the location "The mounted shared drive".
I've tried below things:- chown -v myuser:myuser /mnt/shared-drive chmod -R 755 /mnt/shared-drive chown -v myuser:myser /mnt/shared-drive
chmod gets stuck as the data is very huge at the shared drive which ubuntu will try to give full permissions to. The data is about 5-TB. Now even if i do chmod to the shared directory and and get the write permissions, when i create a directory and try to cd into it, it says "Permission denied"
If i copy one of the folders from the shared-drive to local, it still stays with the same error and i have to do chown -v myuser:myser /copied folder name then ti works and i can't keep doing it manually as this will be basically done by my application.
I've checked with the shared owner and he said, there are full permissions already assigned and should work without issues. I'm stuck here guys. Need your kind help.
Thank You!