I'm trying to install Ubuntu 20.04 and I'm getting a bunch of errors. I have tried different USB devices.

SQUASHFS error: Unable to read metadata cache entry

edit: (based on comments)

  • I have check the checksum with sha256sum
  • I have tried at least 4 different sd cards.

Here is a complete screenshot with lot or more errors enter image description here

  • Re-download the .iso, check the hash value, and then re-make the LiveUSB.
    – user535733
    May 31, 2020 at 17:13
  • I reckon it's a problem with the downloaded ISO . It might be corrupted . You can check the integrity of the downloaded iso file ( if you have downloaded it recently , not months ago) via "md5sum ubuntu.iso" , and compare it with this May 31, 2020 at 17:14


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