I have got two separate hard drives, one with Ubuntu newest version installed and other installed Windows 10.

After changing BIOS prioritizing to Ubuntu drive, I disable grub file grub_timeout_style then update the using sudo update-grub terminal command.

After update it's showing grub window but not support to the keyboard. Changing BIOS setting "Support to USB" does not work.

How to fix this issue?

1 Answer 1


An easy hack solved the same issue for me. I used the USB hub (not active) and it works now. Obviously it is a dirty hack and something is wrong here either with grub 2.04 or some other issues but for now it saves the situation.

Please read more here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/dsf29v/help_external_usb_keyboard_doesnt_work_at_grub/


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