I'm trying to set up a user account that can only set up a tunnel for port forwarding on a specific port (9229). I've created the user with a minimal home folder (just a .ssh folder and .ssh/authorized_keys file). I've gotten the private key login working (and have since disabled password login). Now here is my authorized_keys file:

permitopen="localhost:9229",no-pty,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,command="/bin/echo 'Remote shell access has been disabled'" ssh-rsa KEY USER@HOST

Now when I try to set up the tunnel with ssh -i KEY -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -L 9229: USER@HOST sleep 10, I just get Remote shell access has been disabled. If I remove the command=... part, there's no problem, but then the user can get up to all kinds of stuff.

What am I doing wrong?

I am basing my method on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8021/allow-user-to-set-up-an-ssh-tunnel-but-nothing-else

I have tried moving the permitopen directive after and before the command directive. I also have tried permitopen= and permitopen=:9229.


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