I want to copy a folder from remote server. When I use this command to copy just a single file>

scp -P 11096 user@server:FullPathToFile WhereToSave

it works well, but when I use -r to copy the folder as:

scp -r 11096 user@server:FullPathToFile WhereToSave

it gives me an error:

cp: cannot stat '11096': No such file or directory

Any idea? Thanks for help!

  • 2
    isn't the 11096 port number?
    – Abhi
    Mar 21, 2020 at 18:09

1 Answer 1


Try this

scp -r -P 11096 user@server:FullPathToFile WhereToSave
  • Perfect, that works. Thanks!
    – Honza
    Mar 21, 2020 at 18:28

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