FF Multi Converter is another great choice, not only for successful .ogv
to .mp4
conversation. Simple, user-friendly and elegant interface, gives a complete log of conversion details, supports a huge list of formats (see below), gets the job done quickly.
Audio/Video formats:
aac, ac3, afc, aiff, amr, asf, au, avi, dvd, flac, flv, mka, mkv, mmf, mov, mp3, mp4, mpg, ogg, ogv, psp, rm, spx, vob, wav, webm, wma, wmv
And any other format supported by ffmpeg.
Image formats:
bmp, cgm, dpx, emf, eps, fpx, gif, jbig, jng, jpeg, mrsid, p7, pdf, picon, png, ppm, psd, rad, tga, tif, webp, xpm
And any other format supported by ImageMagick.
Document file formats:
doc -> odt, pdf
html -> odt
odp -> pdf, ppt
ods -> pdf
odt -> doc, html, pdf, rtf, sxw, txt, xml
ppt -> odp
rtf -> odt
sdw -> odt
sxw -> odt
txt -> odt
xls -> ods
xml -> doc, odt, pdf
Installing on Ubuntu - [Stable release]
To add the ppa to your system resources and install ffmulticonverter, open a terminal and type:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ffmulticonverter/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ffmulticonverter
By default ffmulticonverter will bring all of its optional dependencies (ffmpeg, pythonmagick, unoconv) as well.
If you wish, you can install ffmulticonverter alone and then install only the optional dependencies you like manually:
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ffmulticonverter
Then you can install the rest of the dependencies separately, depending on what you want to convert:
If you wish to convert videos, install ffmpeg: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
If you wish to convert documents, install unoconv: sudo apt-get install unoconv
If you wish to convert images, install python imagemagick: sudo apt-get install python-pythonmagick