I already have Linux installed on my 1TB HDD to separate partition the boot, root, and home are on a different partition.

My system partitioning scheme:

My system partitioning scheme

I got a 256GB SSD and I want to move the other partition to it except for the home partition. How do I go about doing it?

1 Answer 1

  • Boot from LiveCD (Ubuntu installation disk with Try without installing)
  • Create the same partitions on SSD which you want to use using GParted except of /home.
  • Create /mnt/sddboot and /mnt/hddboot folders
  • Create /mnt/sddopt and /mnt/hddopt folders
  • Create /mnt/sddroot and /mnt/hddroot folders
  • Mount ssd partitions to your /mnt/ssdXXX mount points
  • Mount hdd partitions to your /mnt/hddXXX mount points
  • Copy everything from hdds to ssds saving ownership and timestamps: rsync -avz --progress /mnt/hddXXX /mnt/ssdXXX
  • Edit /etc/fstab on SSD replacing UUIDs with /dev/sd?? devices for /, /home/, /boot, /opt partitions. For example:

    /dev/sdTT /       xfs     defaults   0    0
    /dev/sdXX /boot   ext4    defaults   0    0
    /dev/sdYY /home   btrfs   defaults   0    0
    /dev/sdZZ /opt    btrfs   defaults   0    0
  • Make your ssd bootable in GParted

  • Install grub on your ssd: grub-install /dev/sdX --skip-fs-probe --boot-directory=/mnt/ssdboot where sdX is your ssd device. It could be sda or sdb or sdc. You could see it in GParted.
  • Switch bootable disk to ssd in bios and verify by booting from it

Also, you could use the next guide.

  • 1
    Not sure if anything is unique with XFS partitioning. But UUIDs in fstab will have to be updated with new UUIDs. And if separate /boot then that has to be in the mount commands of installing grub.
    – oldfred
    Mar 4, 2020 at 14:46
  • Thanks i would try it today
    – mrlectus
    Mar 5, 2020 at 17:03

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