Lets start by saying that i am new at Ubuntu i think i have had it installed for about three weeks now. So if my terminology is off please feel free to correct me as i would like to learn.

I installed this app called Screen cloud i was looking for an app that could take shots of sections of my screen like so

enter image description here

This was the first app i found.

I used the Ubuntu software install app on the left hand side bar

enter image description here

All good


When i reboot in the morning how do i get it so that the app shows up in the top bar

enter image description here

So that i dont have to open the app in

enter image description here

And hit launch

  • i tried settings for the app
  • i tried right clicking this top bar

I'm not sure how to add something to start up on Linux type system.


1 Answer 1


Lets summerize your question.

  1. Install a app.
  2. You wants your application starts automatically. In this case, ScreenCloud.

Read this if i understand it right.--> How do I manage applications on startup in GNOME 3?

You just start ScreenCloud automatically then ScreenCloud tray icon will be appears exactly where you wants.


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