I have a PHP script which i can run from mi CLI just fine, I need this script to run every 5 min so it will automatically fetch new data for me. To run my script from a terminal i call php retsphp.php --mode=new
Based on all what i found online i used crontab -e
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php -f /var/www/html/PHRETS/retsphp.php --mode=new > /var/log/retscron.log
I dont see ny retscron.log created and the only thing i see is in the syslog
Feb 13 08:25:01 rets-php CRON[7279]: (user1) CMD (/usr/bin/php -f /var/www/html/PHRETS/retsphp.php --mode=new > /var/log/retscron.log) Feb 13 08:25:01 rets-php CRON[7278]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)
i cant find any error why it fails
system then tries to mail you the error messages, but there is no mail server on the system (MTA = Mail Transfer Agent) socron
gives up and just logs a message to the syslog.