I can't properly boot my XUbuntu desktop. It just hangs on the console without any visible errors. The only way i can boot it properly is choosing "recovery mode" in GRUB and then selecting "continue booting" in recovery menu. It's really annoying.

I provide some logs here: http://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/mQ%2FzdWvVcrjB3dz4vVqjsw

Please advise! If you need some additional information i will be glad to provide it. Any hints and support will be much appreciated.

3 Answers 3


Try this. In the console: sudo fdisk -l Then you can see the partitions you have. The partition marked with * is the boot partition. Assume this is /dev/sda1, type the following command: fsck /dev/sda1 This will check and repair that partition. Maybe this helps

  • Looks like i need to do it when partition is not mounted. Thanks, i will try this later, but i don't think it will really help to solve my problem. Commented Apr 9, 2012 at 11:30

The solution is to update XUbuntu to current stable version.


I don't understand you of all. You are saying Xubuntu only boots normally after doing that or Xubuntu only boots in recovery mode? If only works in recovery mode, maybe it is a xorg problem. Try this

sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf

And reboot. That should help if it is a xorg problem.

  • My XUbuntu boots only in recovery mode. I think the problem is related to graphical stack (X-Server, Desktop Manager, Video Drivers or smth), but i can't pinpoint it correctly. Commented Apr 9, 2012 at 11:27

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