I just installed pandas, BeautifulSoup4, Jinja2 alongside conda distribution, but I'm not able to import any of the packages except numpy and others which come pre-installed with conda.

Where am I doing this wrong?

Here is a screenshot of my terminal window, where you can see the ImportError and ModuleNotFoundError in Python 2 and 3 respectively. I didn't try pip because I thought it might make things worse by breaking something.

screenshot of my terminal window


1 Answer 1


You won't be able to import those packages from native installed python/python3 environments (unless you've installed them using pip/pip3). Anaconda uses virtual environments (the default one is called base).

You have to activate base virtual environment and use its python in order to install additional packages using pip/pip3 or import Anaconda's preinstalled packages :

conda activate base
>>> import pandas
>>> exit()
conda deactivate


conda activate base
>>> import pandas
>>> exit()
conda deactivate

You can check installed packages inside base virtual environment using :

conda activate base
pip list
pip3 list
conda deactivate

If u have several conda environment (other than base), you can list them using :

conda env list

Finally, you can run your scripts using :

conda activate env_name # env_name is probably base in your case
python script.py
conda deactivate


conda activate env_name
python3 script.py
conda deactivate

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