I have configured the ssh server for remote connection and it works perfectly.

I run a docker container for the openvpn service using the image "kylemanna / openvpn", so far so good.

If I try to connect to the ssh it works without problems, if I connect to the vpn too, it works fine, but if I am connected to the vpn and try to connect by ssh to the same server it gives me a timeout. To connect via ssh I have set the real ip and I have also tested with the ip of the vpn tunnel and in no case is it connected.

I read connected-to-openvpn-server-but-cant-ssh but not works for me.


When type ufw status see:

    To                      Action      From
1194/udp                    ALLOW       Anywhere    #Allowing OpenVPN
22/tcp                      ALLOW       Anywhere    # SSH allowed 

Even if I stop the ufw service with "sudo systemctl stop ufw.service" I cannot connect via ssh if I am connected to the vpn

1 Answer 1


You need to disable the firewall with

ufw disable

This command

sudo systemctl stop ufw.service

Just disables de service and the rules maybe still working.

  • Thank you very much for your response, but my goal is not to disable the firewall but to be able to access through it Sep 25, 2019 at 19:05

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