Whenever I use the cursor to drag and change the position of an icon in the dock it just hangs for a moment and goes back to it's original place.

Do you have any suggestions?

  • Same question: askubuntu.com/q/1173460/480481 (unanswered).
    – pomsky
    Sep 22, 2019 at 10:45
  • i.stack.imgur.com/qbjr5.gif
    – PRATAP
    Sep 22, 2019 at 11:57
  • @PRATAP It looks like it's "Dash to Dock" in your screen capture. Even though OP mentioned Dash to Dock, I believe they're actually using the default "Ubuntu Dock" (a fork of Dash to Dock). It seems the same cannot be done with the default Ubuntu Dock (I couldn't do it either).
    – pomsky
    Sep 23, 2019 at 7:42


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