My son kindly crashed my laptop and when I restarted it, cryptsetup did not accept my password (going into 60 minute delay). I cannot launch Ubuntu 18.04 that I have installed on my laptop SSD, but I can launch with a Live USB and unlock the laptop SSD using the Disks utility.

I see no way to mount the drive. I also tried to access the drive through command prompt and I get an error message, as shown below.

$ fdisk -l
fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop0: Permission denied
fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop1: Permission denied
fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop2: Permission denied
fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop3: Permission denied
fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop4: Permission denied
fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop5: Permission denied
fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop6: Permission denied
fdisk: cannot open /dev/nvme0n1: Permission denied
fdisk: cannot open /dev/sda: Permission denied   

Then try to unlock it:

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1 my_enc_hard

And get this message

Device /dev/nvme0n1 doesn't exist or access denied. 
  • 2
    Please add your error message to the question with edit. Take a look at milosophical.me/blog/2014/mounting-lukslvm-from-a-liveusb.html and askubuntu.com/questions/63594/…
    – K7AAY
    Commented Aug 22, 2019 at 22:33
  • I use this to see what drives I see: # fdisk -l fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop0: Permission denied fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop1: Permission denied fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop2: Permission denied fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop3: Permission denied fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop4: Permission denied fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop5: Permission denied fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop6: Permission denied fdisk: cannot open /dev/nvme0n1: Permission denied fdisk: cannot open /dev/sda: Permission denied Commented Aug 23, 2019 at 1:00
  • Then try to unlcok it: cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1 my_enc_hard Device /dev/nvme0n1 doesn't exist or access denied. I don't understand what is the issue; When I use sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1 my_enc_hard I am not prompted to enter my password. Commented Aug 23, 2019 at 1:00
  • I also don't understand why I can open the drive with Disks utility from USB, but I am not prompted to enter the password when I try cryptsetup luksOpen ... Commented Aug 23, 2019 at 1:10


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