I have tried to find some solution online, but none has turned up so far, so I ask here: I have a paid VPN connection using VYPR-VPN which relies on the OpenVPN client. After updating to 18.10, I find myself in quite a strange situation:
- The new network manager widget opens a terminal based program to configure my connections, but there is no VPN option (or is "VLAN" what I need? If yes, it seems quite complicated?).
- In preferences (main menu) I find a network connection app which actually works as desired (like the ones in the previous Lubuntu versions), but whatever I enter there seems to have no influence on the network widget down in the launch bar, and these connections are not offered to me anywhere.
Since I pay for my VPN service, I'd really like to USE it. Does anybody have any idea how to configure my VPN without first having to do a PhD in Linux System Administration? Does it work better in 19.XX? Thanks in advance!