I am using a Ubuntu-mate 16.04 and I use it everyday and I like it a lot. I am wondering if it is possible to display an image in the background of the file-manager.

I have taken a look at this similar question but that one talks about nautilus not caja. This discussion talks about modifying the theme file.

My current theme file index.theme has the following contents:

[Desktop Entry]


I think I will have to add something to the line beginning with GtkColorScheme=... to put up an image in the background. Please help me with those magic keywords. Thanks.

1 Answer 1


You have to use Caja GUI:

Edit → Backgrounds and Emblems and then drag needed Pattern or Color

Backgrounds and Emblems

to the Caja window of interest. You can use your custom image by clicking on Add a New Pattern (image should allow patterning).

To reset the background setting you have to drag Reset pattern or color to the window.


  1. the background will be shown in Icon View and Compact View.
  2. you have to set 'background-image' path by using gsettings:

    gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences background-set 'true'
    gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences background-color ''
    gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences background-uri 'file:///usr/share/caja/patterns/dots.png'
  3. also you have to set 'background-color' by using gsettings:

    gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences background-set 'true'
    gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences background-uri ''
    gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences background-color '#E5E5E5'
  4. to remove background programmatically use:

    gsettings set org.mate.caja.preferences background-set 'false'
  • So embarrassing! The option was right there. Its so nice that there is no need to fiddle with keywords. One additional detail, can we do alpha setting for the selected image?
    – vyi
    Jul 12, 2019 at 18:14
  • I'm not sure about alpha setting, but you can try to adjust alpha channel in GIMP for PNG and GIF images :)
    – N0rbert
    Jul 12, 2019 at 18:17
  • Done! Thank you for the answer.
    – vyi
    Jul 12, 2019 at 18:48

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