I have logged in into my Ubuntu using terminal login itself. And I tried out the shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+F3 and Ctrl+Alt+F7 which I found that it was to switch from GUI to command line mode.

  • 1
    Do you have a desktop version of Ubuntu 18.10 installed? as server releases do not include any gui desktop by default. Also try ctrl+alt+F1 which switches to my gui on my lubuntu 19.10 box. (older versions yes use ctrl+alt+f7 but it was switched to f1 as I recall for gui)
    – guiverc
    Jun 21, 2019 at 4:21
  • I had a desktop version installed only but, for the past few days, it is booting only in CLI mode. Sure, I will try that out.
    – vignesh_md
    Jun 21, 2019 at 4:25


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