I recently tried to disable case sensitivity in the Ubuntu terminal, and ran a few commands to do so. After I got it working properly, it somehow messed with my ability to type, or even copy, a lowercase s into terminal.

I have tried changing the inputrc file, but it tells me I do not have permission to do so, and I can't type or copy in 'sudo' into terminal, as it only becomes 'udo'.

How can I regain the ability to type s into my terminal? I'm fine with resetting all keybindings and whatnot, I just don't know how to at this point.

Don't know how relevant it is, but the last 3 lines of my inputrc file now looks like this:

set completion-ignore-case on
set completion-ignore-case on

The commands I ran before the issue occurred were the following (as I had no clue what I was doing):

if [ ! -a ~/.inputrc ]; then echo 'source /etc/inputrc' > ~/.inputrc; fi 
echo set completion-ignore-case on | sudo tee -a /etc/inputrc sudo 
echo 'set completion-ignore-case On' >> /etc/inputrc 
echo "bind 'et completion-ignore-cae on'" >> ~/.bahrc
  • history will show your last few commands, copy and paste it from this page if you can't type it. You could also use an onscreen keyboard, sudo apt install onboard (or florence is the Gnome onscreen kbd I think). Clearly echo 'set completion-ignore-case On' >> /etc/inputrc messed it up, so nano /etc/inputrc and navigate to that line with arrow keys, then ctrl+k to remove the line, ctrl+x, they y, to exit. Might need to restart bash, probably easiest to reboot.
    – pbhj
    Jun 8, 2019 at 10:26
  • Similar issue but with letter P; also relates to .inputrc.
    – pbhj
    Jun 8, 2019 at 10:31
  • You could try copying /usr/share/readline/inputrc (which should be identical to the default /etc/inputrc) to your home directory - since you can't type s you'd need to do something like cp $'/u\x73r/\x73hare/readline/inputrc' ~/.inputrc (or just use the GUI file manager) Jun 8, 2019 at 11:11
  • @steeldriver Thanks for the input, that worked perfectly! Jun 9, 2019 at 11:08

1 Answer 1


alt-ctrl-F1 should give you the opportunity to login in a non-X terminal. You should be able to correct things there.

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