I'm a Eclipse's user and I want synchronize my workspace on Ubuntu One. The problem is because the Eclipse creates a metadata inside of workspace, this meta have some configurations of computer that use this program.

So, when I sync my workspace folder, this meta go with all my projects, and when I download it in another computer, Ubuntu One overrides the meta folder and crashes my Eclipse.

There is some way of share a folder on Ubuntu One, but eliminate some internal folders?

2 Answers 2


There is a hidden configuration option, which you can add a list of Python (not shell) expressions to, for ignoring specific file extensions for example. In the ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf file you can add the following:

ignore = \A.*\.metadata\Z

This should keep the .metadata folder from being synchronized. If the file already exists, and has an existing [__ main __] (without spaces) section, don't add another one.

You should stop ubuntuone-syncdaemon by running u1sdtool -q in a terminal, first. Then make your changes, and run u1sdtool -c to restart and connect the syncdaemon.

  • Nice answer! Can you provide more info on that trick? I'm confused about the \A-\Z syntax. Mar 22, 2012 at 18:07
  • @rafalcieslak docs.python.org/library/re.html#regular-expression-syntax \A is "match only at start" and \Z is "match only at end" similar to ^ and $ in other regular expression implementations, respectively.
    – dobey
    Mar 22, 2012 at 18:10
  • Thank you!!!! Work like a charm!!! For someone who want try this, you will need reboot your pc!! Mar 23, 2012 at 17:48
  • @GuilhermeFranco Ah, actually you don't need to reboot. You can run u1sdtool -q in a terminal to quit the syncdaemon, and u1sdtool -c to start it back up after making the changes. Should have put that in the answer too.
    – dobey
    Mar 23, 2012 at 20:28
  • At my other computer I have tried it (using gui) but it not worked... then I had reboot. Now, at my notebook, it works..... I don't know what happened on my desktop for that not worked properly..... thanks a lot!! Mar 24, 2012 at 3:25

You could do a cron job that recursively copies, thus leaving out the .whatever files. Then you can sync the whole thing of the copy. I don't use ubuntuone(I'm skeptical about all things cloud), so I'm not "up" on its configuration options, but I use a similar approach for some of the stuff I throw on github.

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