How can I(as admin) prevent other users from installing extensions in google chrome?

  • how to prevent users to install chrome... everyone is free to install any sntich they want
    – cmak.fr
    May 23, 2019 at 4:55

1 Answer 1


1. Use --disable-extensions

You can run chrome/chromium with --disable-extensions switch

As admin, you can use a wrapper script calling the real chrome/chromium. but that could easily be worked-around, unless you compile that hard-coded into the binary if it is even possible.

2. Make Extensions folder read-only

You can disable write in Extensions folder of chrome/chromium in the user's $HOME

chmod 444 /home/theuser/.config/chromium/Default/Extensions

But nothing can prevent her/him from changing that back to writeable. So you can make it owned by root too

chown root.root /home/theuser/.config/chromium/Default/Extension
  • Since the OP is talking about other users, ~ may be misleading.
    – danzel
    May 23, 2019 at 9:21
  • @danzel ok. I have updated the answer
    – solsTiCe
    May 23, 2019 at 11:39

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