Some icons from Zafiro icons theme are only shown when I use Nautilus in root mode (sudo nautilus) but aren't shown in normal mode.

Normal mode: enter image description here

Root mode: enter image description here


  • 1
    Do NOT run nautilus as root!!!!
    – user880592
    May 9, 2019 at 23:25

1 Answer 1


Your user may not have read permissions for the custom icon files.

Make sure the path to any custom icon has read permissions.

To set permissions to rw-r--r-- on the icon files so that the owner can read and write, and all other users can read the file, open a terminal and run:

chmod 644 /path/to/iconfile

If your user does not own the file, you will need to run the command under sudo:

sudo chmod 644 /path/to/iconfile

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