After updating Ubuntu packages today, I see a new livepatch indicator in the top-panel:

livepatch indicator

How can I hide it? I tried running sudo apt remove indicator-livepatch, but there's no such package. When I go to livepatch settings, I don't see an option to hide the indicator, just a button for sign-in.

1 Answer 1


From Ubuntu's Reddit:

  1. Run dconf-editor.
  2. Navigate to com > ubuntu > update-notifier.
  3. Set show-livepatch-status-icon to off.

Programmatically you can run this within terminal for an equal effect.

gsettings set com.ubuntu.update-notifier show-livepatch-status-icon false
  • This didn't work for me, though after setting the value an entry in ~/.config/dconf/user can be found. Even a reboot didn't help. I'm using LXQt on top of Openbox, but I'm not sure this matters.
    – Murphy
    Jun 12, 2019 at 9:56
  • Follow-up: This should have been fixed with update-notifier for Bionic 18.04, but this version is already installed here.
    – Murphy
    Jun 12, 2019 at 10:03

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