I'd like to have my own signature as a stamp for Okular.

In folder /usr/share/okular there is a config file drawingtools.xml and in folder /usr/share/okular/pic the is a stamps.svg containing some pictures with stamps. But it seems not to be made for adding more pictures.

Is there a easy, lean and clean way to insert my own graphic?


I found this:

source: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Okular/

Eigene Stempel definieren

Okular bietet die Möglichkeit, eigene Stempel zu definieren, die dann als Markierung ins Dokumment einfügt werden können.

Dazu muss man zuerst den gewünschten Text oder das gewünschte Bild als .png oder .svg Datei im Homeverzeichnis unter .kde/share/icons speichern, Dateinamen und Dateiendung dürfen ausschließlich aus Kleinbuchstaben bestehen. Sollte das Verzeichnis nicht existieren, dann muss man es vorher noch anlegen.

Danach wählt man das Menü "Einstellungen -> Anmerkungen einrichten" und dort "Hinzufügen -> Typ:Stempel". Im oberen Feld kann man einen eigenen, frei wählbaren Namen eingeben, im unteren Feld unter "Stempel Symbol" gibt man den Namen der zuvor gespeichert Stempeldatei ein. Findet Okular diese, wird eine Vorschau rechts neben der Eingabe angezeigt. Mit einem Klick auf "Ok" ist der eigene Stempel angelegt und einsatzbereit. Im Menü mit den Werkzeugen wird der Stempel jetzt angezeigt.

And the Google Translate version:

Define your own stamps

Okular offers the possibility to define own stamps, which can then be inserted as a marking in the document.

To do this you must first save the desired text or image as .png or .svg file in the home directory under .kde / share / icons, filenames and file extensions may only consist of lowercase letters. If the directory does not exist, you have to create it first.

Then select the menu "Settings -> Set up notes" and there "Add -> Type: Stamp". In the upper field you can enter your own, freely selectable name, in the lower field under "Stamp Symbol" you enter the name of the previously saved stamp file. If eyepiece finds this, a preview will be displayed to the right of the input. With a click on "Ok" your own stamp is created and ready for use. In the menu with the tools, the stamp is now displayed.

But putting a sig.png in .kde/share/icons didn't helped. It's not shown if entering the name as Stamp-Symbol.

I use Xubuntu 18.04


4 Answers 4


First, please place your image in ~/.kde/share/icons, creating the icons folder if need be. (To be on the safe side, please use lowercase for the image name and avoid spaces).

Adding your own stamp in Okular

Then, as shown in the image above, you need to type or paste in the entire path and filename like


assuming that your username is rundekugel and that mysignature.png is the relevant image.

This is a recognized usability issue in Okular version 1.3.3 that ships in Bionic and is being addressed in Make custom stamp image support more discoverable.

  • 2
    Excellent answer, thanks. Two notes: 1) The picture file can be anywhere, no need to put it in ~/.kde/share/icons/. 2) If the picture file is a jpeg or a jpg file, you should not specify the extension in the path (yes, that's weird). That is, use /home/rundekugel/.kde/share/icons/mysignature instead of /home/rundekugel/.kde/share/icons/mysignature.jpg.
    – Clément
    Commented Jul 23, 2019 at 21:23
  • I'm using Kubuntu 18.04, and this didn't work for me. I created the icons folder within .kde/share and copied the filename using <copy> from Dolphin-file-explorer both with a prepending "file:///" (which firefox finds and displays image of) and also with just the /home/me/.kde/share/icons/my.png ALSO, the png must be "flattened" in GIMP or other photoediting software (it may not have an alpha channel or transparency to it).
    – user12711
    Commented Nov 24, 2019 at 2:35
  • @user12711 please post your own answer and ping me when you do if you feel like. I think your answer will be very helpful. (I'm not going to be able to edit my answer to include your findings because I don't have time.) Thanks!
    – DK Bose
    Commented Nov 24, 2019 at 3:43
  • 2
    I get this warning when trying to create a stamp: "Warning: experimental feature. Stamps inserted in PDF documents are not visible in PDF readers other than Okular."
    – GTF
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 10:42
  • @GTF, sadly, quite a few features, not just stamps, don't appear to work in other PDF readers.
    – DK Bose
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 11:11

With more recent versions of Okular, there seem to be an easier solution for this task.
I am using Okular 23.04 and this works for me:

Go to Settings -> Configure Okular... -> Annotations -> Add -> Select Type: Stamp -> Choose symbol file from your file system using the file picker button.

Screenshot (can't post images yet...)

You can use your new Stamp by clicking on this button in the top-right toolbar corner and selecting it from the drop-down menu.


  • Works for me on Okular 21.12.3 (Kubuntu 22.04). Pay attention to the second image to retrieve your personalized stamp (it does not appear in the stamps section)
    – kFly
    Commented Nov 19, 2023 at 15:19
  • Thanks for sharing! This works well for me but the resulting stamp has way less resolution than the PNG I used. Is there any way to fix this? Also: is it possible to lock the aspect ratio when drawing the stamp area?
    – Fred
    Commented Feb 29 at 10:45

the only way that adding my signature works is by putting the full path /home/me/.kde/share/icons/stamp.png, and not ~/.kde/share/icons/stamp.png

I tried putting the link to my images folder and it didn't work either.

Using Linux Min 19.2

  • This is exactly what @DK Bose answer says. "Paste in the entire path...".
    – andschar
    Commented Oct 10, 2020 at 11:31

I can't add anything because when I click or right-click on the place for signature, nothing happens. I toggled the "Show forms" button, I tried to relaunch okular, it's as if this field wasn't editable at all. The text fields function fine. Maybe the pdf form I have to fill in is bad. It's something I downloaded from an administration web site, I have to fill it in and send it back.

If the same thing happens to you, you can always do it manually. Zoom out until you see the whole page and take a screenshot. Then open the png file with your favorite paint program and add the signature. Don't forget to remove all the surrounding stuff, only keep the picture of the page.

The problem is, if you have a document with several pages, you have to screenshot them all and then re-assemble. You can use LibreOffice to do that. Open a blank writer page, set the margins to zero width and import all your pages in order. Then use "export as/pdf".

This is the last resort solution, the methods explained above are faster.

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