Been having trouble trying to install the latest LTS version of ubuntu server to my computer, im in the process of migrating from freenas. problem is I keep getting a install error after reaching step 8 during the process of adding a server name and main user account Error as follows

curtin command install 
  preparing  for installation 
  configuring storage 
    running 'curtin block-meta simple' 
      curtin command block-meta 
        removing previous storage devices

I tried to follow the guide here 18.04 clean server installation fails on `curtin command block-meta' but its not helped and will throw up the same error.

The hard drive im installing to is 40 gigs and was previously a ZFS pool that has been formatted also I dont know how to copy the entire installer output since its over 1000 lines long

Not an LVM and all the settings are left as default even DHCP

1 Answer 1


Found the issue to be the hard drive, hard drive works fine as a file system drive but will error out and fail install before it even begins now using a 110gb drive

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