I need to be able to find out what version of Ubuntu we are using. I have no IT person who can help anymore. Can anyone help please?


3 Answers 3


Open terminal and type the command:

lsb_release -a 
  • Why this isn't called ubuntu-version or similar, I don't know, I can never remember the command.
    – pbhj
    Jan 15, 2019 at 23:02

In order to do so you don't need to have any kind of programming knowledge. I highly suggest you to go System settings >> System details or software details!

I hope it helps. Thank you.


There can be many ways to do this-

  • You could find System Info in System Settings, or search for the same in the program menu, which would give you a GUI overview.
  • In terminal, enter cat /etc/os-release.
  • Or, in terminal enter lsb_release -a.
  • Or, type hostnamectl in the terminal.

If you need more details about kernels etc., you can type uname -a in the terminal. Read man page of the same at man uname for more details.

For more details, you can see this answer.

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