I installed the Notepad++ snap package few months ago in Ubuntu 18.04, and it worked perfectly. Two weeks ago suddenly Notepad++ stopped opening. When I click on the Notepad++ icon nothing happens. I removed and installed Notepad++ again, but it's still not working. I haven't any logs about this.

When I run snap run notepad-plus-plus I get the following results:

wine cmd.exe /c echo '%ProgramFiles%' returned empty string, error message   
"wine: WINEARCH set to win64 but '/home/my-username/snap/notepad-plus-plus/common/.wine'  
is a 32-bit installation."

1 Answer 1


That issue is due to big changes made to the snap. This is now using 64bit version of Notepad++ with wine64 on amd64 systems and 32bit version of Notepad++ on i386 systems. This snap is now using wine-platform snap so this has both i386 & amd64 wine pkgs earlier it was using wine-platform-i386 snap which only had wine i386 pkgs. So currently migrating to wine-platform snap from older wine-platform-i386 snap which is not done automatically when user updates the snap caused issue. I'm currently pushing changes to detect if user is still connected snap on older platform should ask to do these commands.

Run these commands will fix your issue.

  • snap disconnect notepad-plus-plus:wine-platform-plug

  • snap install wine-platform

  • snap connect notepad-plus-plus:wine-platform-plug wine-platform:wine-base-stable

If issue still exists then you have to remove win32 WINEPREFIX in order to create win64.

  • rm -r $HOME/snap/notepad-plus-plus/common/.wine
  • did you tried running three commands I posted.
    – Taqi Raza
    Nov 21, 2018 at 11:49
  • Alright, can you post info of snap interfaces notepad-plus-plus also can you tell which `arch' of Ubuntu you are running.
    – Taqi Raza
    Nov 21, 2018 at 11:55
  • I am using Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit. Results of snap interfaces notepad-plus-plus
    – karel
    Nov 21, 2018 at 11:59
  • you are still connected to wine-platform-i386:wine-base-stable which is the problem so try to follow the solution I have posted already ok try to run these one by one snap disconnect notepad-plus-plus:wine-platform-plug snap install wine-platform snap connect notepad-plus-plus:wine-platform-plug wine-platform:wine-base-stable
    – Taqi Raza
    Nov 21, 2018 at 12:05
  • +1 The commands in your previous comment worked!
    – karel
    Nov 21, 2018 at 12:15

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