As stated, my VM is running very slowly.
Guest: Ubuntu 14.04 'Trusty Tahr'
host specs:
- Laptop
- Windows 10
- Intel i5-6200U 2.4Ghz processor
- 8gb ram
It is unbearable, I can't write in the console as it takes half a minute for text to update on the command line, or not at all
Things I have tried:
- Disabling/enabling 3D acceleration
- Setting RAM to 2 gigs
- Setting VRAM to 128MB
- Enabling 2 cores
- Processor cap is at 100%
- Laptop power set to best performance
More info:
- VirtualBox version 5.2.20
- I have the same problem on another VM:18.0.4LTS.
- Updating the guest is not an option, as it is a pre configured OS for a project. (This is not the problem probably as the same problem appears on LTS)
- It is possible that LTS started slowing down after installing guest additions.
- CPU and RAM on host (task manager) are about 50-70% tops when running vm with other programs running in addition on the host.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.