I'm unable to perform zshconfig. Ubuntu is not recognizing the command.

The problem I'm having is I'm trying to set up a server on Ubuntu. My apache is up and running; I checked by typing in localhost in my browser and it brought up my apache page. But when I went to /var/hosts and added test.dev, the browser didn't recognize it even though I saved it in the correct file.

I then was told Linux Valet would help me solve this problem. So, I'm currently trying to install that but now in a part of the Linux Valet tutorial zshconfig is used to change a path, and my system is not recognizing that command, and now I'm stuck.

I'm very very new to this so I apologize if some of this doesn't make sense.

I've included time stamped links to help show where I'm stuck...

You Tube tutorial I'm using on setting up Apache on Ubuntu

sub /etc/hosts

test.dev not working even though added so I think tried to add Linux Valet, but now I can’t use zshconfig.

can’t perform zshconfig

  • zshconfig isn't a command found in the Ubuntu software repositiories. After /etc/cron.daily/mlocate runs, locate zshconfig will find the file. You may want to append the directory containing zshconfig to your PATH.
    – waltinator
    Oct 16, 2018 at 5:03

1 Answer 1


It seems the user in the tutorial has made an alias called zshconfig for a command like nano ~/.zshrc, because your video shows them opening their shell config file in the text editor nano and editing it to add to their PATH.

You are probably using Bash, not Zsh (ignore this if you ARE using Zsh), so instead of zshconfig, you can simply use the command nano .bashrc, and whenever the user in the video refers to .zshrc, you can replace .zshrc with .bashrc or the full path ~/.bashrc.

I don't know what Linux Valet is or whether it will solve your problem, but this should get you over the current hurdle.

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