I am currently using a Lenovo laptop with Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS dual-boot configured with Windows 10. Recently, I wanted to free some space from my windows partition and add it to my Linux partition. I could de-allocate some 200GB space, but it was not contiguous to my /home drive. It was something like this(only the amount of space was more):
This is the image after I undid all the partition changes
So I used the swapoff option from the gparted and was able to shift the swap partition. When I was shifting the root partition, it failed (I don't have the logs), so I had to again bring back the swap, to re-allocate the space to windows and keep things as they were. Then, I figured, the swap was no longer working like it should (it was not active), so I formatted it as linux-swap and the UUID changed. The problem started then. When I boot into Ubuntu, the screen remains blank for ages until Ubuntu launches and asks for the password. I have tried to patch the latest UUID into the /etc/fstab file and rebuild the grub.cnfg file, but no luck so far. I do not want to go for a clean installation. Please help..!
EDIT : Wed 9:16PM IST - The below result is the output of swap commands on my terminal, as advised by @heynnema
prince@prince-PC:~$ sudo swapoff -a
[sudo] password for prince:
prince@prince-PC:~$ sudo swapon -a
prince@prince-PC:~$ swapon
/dev/sda6 partition 12.1G 0B -2