I have signed a PDF to send it online (I did with xournal I think). They wanted it per post. I printed it and sent it, they wanted the signature handwritten. I need to remove the signature from the PDF and print it. I do not want to fill the original again. I have tried several things:

  • xournal: not possible to select the signature image from the PDF
  • LibreOffice: works fine (I can remove the images), but messes up formatting when opening the PDF (I think it is lacking fonts)
  • Gimp: converting the PDF to an image allows me to edit the image, but removing the signatures (there are a lot of them) is difficult (I would need to make sure that I replace the signature with the background, which is not always a simple plain color)

So, what I need is to do the following:

pdf-processor list-image-objects myfile.pdf


Now, assuming that object1 and object3 are the signatures that I want to remove, I would do:

pdf-processor remove-image-objects object1 object3 myfile.pdf -o output.pdf

Is there such a command line program pdf-processor?


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