Diodion hotkey feature doesn't work for me. So I wanted to bind system hotkey to /usr/bin/diodon to open the history menu.

If I type /usr/bin/diodon in bash shell, it works absolutely fine, the menu opens.

If I bind bash -c "/usr/bin/diodon" or run a script below, the script is executed but no history menu opens.

exit 0

How is this even possible? Am I missing something?


1 Answer 1


I tried the workaround @vanadium has found and adding delay to solve race condition worked for me (Xubuntu 16.04.3):

bash -c "sleep 0.1 && diodon"

  • It would appear easier to directly insert following command as "command" in the shortcut key dialog: sh -c "sleep 0.1s && diodon. Please try that and if that also works (which it should) then please edit your answer and instead replace it with this way more elegant appoach. If it would not work immediately, then try increasing the delay by changing 0.1 to 0.2 etc. Please add also your current Ubuntu version. It may not work on all desktops as discussed in the thread I linked to.
    – vanadium
    Sep 25, 2018 at 15:01
  • You're absolutely right. Done. Thank you again!
    – Sebastian
    Sep 25, 2018 at 19:29

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