I upgraded today to 18.04. One item I am missing is a "Show desktop" button in the dash. How can I add this without running a script? (This must be a common request)


2 Answers 2


I think the easiest would be to use/install a relevant gnome extension. There is for example https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1194/show-desktop-button/ however this adds a button to the top bar. Alternatively, you could install gnome-tweak-tool to check if the ubuntu dock extension has an otion for this. Or, you could try the das-to-panel extension (instead of the ubuntu dock, probably) that has a option for this.


The most useful solution for me was always to bind the same keyboard shortcut to "Show desktop" as in Windows. This way, whatever OS I use, I always press the Super+D shortcut (Super is the key with Windows logo).

Achieving this in GNOME is as simple as running command:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings show-desktop ['<Super>d']

To achieve the same without using console, open System Settings, go to Devices, Keyboard and adjust there a shortcut for 'Hide all normal windows'.

Additionally, if you sometimes use a mouse, I find the TaskBar GNOME extension very handy. By default it displays a nice blue icon to show a desktop on the top panel: enter image description here.

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