Just trying to simulate my workflow on my main laptop (running OSX) on my spare laptop.

3 Answers 3


To add applications to Start Menu in Ubuntu / Lubuntu / Budgie, you have to create a Launcher in the /usr/share/applications/ folder as follows:

sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/<launcher_name>.desktop

Then edit these entries accordingly. You can also copy additional entries from existing launcher in the Category where you want the launcher to appear.

[Desktop Entry]
Icon=<path to icon>
Name=<name to appear in menu>
Categories=<menu categories>
Exec=<path to executable>
Path=<set working directory if necessary>

Add Launcher to the Dock in Budgie: Drag&Drop the launcher from the Menu into the Dock.


I created a lightweight deb installer to do this for Plank (and similar 3rd party docks), check out my repo here https://github.com/milan102/Ubuntu-Launchpad

The installation instructions are in the github README. The program is a simple shell script that invokes the keyboard shortcut for showing applications (Super + A)


You might be able to do it with the Gnome Extensions: Dash to Dock, Dash to Panel or Ubuntu Dock along with the Show Applications, basically you should be looking into drag-and-dropping the Show Applications icon into the Plank Dock.

I don't use Plank, so I can't really tell if it will work, but you can give it a try. Also you might use Gnome Tweak Tools to further customize your experience.

Last, but not least, you might also get this working by using the following code in a standard icon launcher and later dragging it to the Plank:

dbus-send --session --type=method_call --dest=org.gnome.Shell /org/gnome/Shell org.gnome.Shell.Eval string:'Main.overview.show(); if (! Main.overview.viewSelector._showAppsButton.checked) {Main.overview.viewSelector._showAppsButton.checked = true;} else {Main.overview.hide();};'

If you run that in the terminal it will bring the "Show Applications" action view. Also you could just use the keyboard shortcut: Super + A.

Hope this helps.


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