Getting error while installing uniq

Error message:

Downloading https://engci-maven-master.cisco.com/artifactory/api/pypi/apic-em-pypi-group/packages/86/fd/cc8315be63a41fe000cce20482a917e874cdc1151e62cb0141f5e55f711e/psycopg2-2.6.1.tar.gz (371kB)
    100% |\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588| 378kB 458kB/s 
    Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info:
    running egg_info
    creating pip-egg-info/psycopg2.egg-info
    writing pip-egg-info/psycopg2.egg-info/PKG-INFO
    writing dependency_links to pip-egg-info/psycopg2.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
    writing top-level names to pip-egg-info/psycopg2.egg-info/top_level.txt
    writing manifest file 'pip-egg-info/psycopg2.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
    Error: could not determine PostgreSQL version from '10.4'

Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-_cf1z03a/psycopg2/

Ubuntu 18.04

How can I install it correctly?

Command used:

pip3 install uniq==2.1.22.* --no-cache-dir --index-url=https://engci-maven-master.cisco.com/artifactory/api/pypi/apic-em-pypi-group/simple
  • Well it says it's running python setup.py egg_info, so presumably from what is said below that's running python3 instead of python2.7. So perhaps check with ls -al $(which python). Then if it's going to python3, route the soft-link to python2.7 (temporarily) to run the script?
    – pbhj
    Aug 14, 2018 at 21:28

3 Answers 3


I think the best solutions is probably to upgrade to psycopg 2.7:

From https://stackoverflow.com/a/49292261:

The problem was fixed in #489 released in psycopg 2.7. We don't have plans to backport the fix to 2.6.


The error message is due to pip using Python version 3 and Ubuntu having python version 2.7 installed. Many users report errors here.

The most common solution is to first use:

sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools

Note: Some report success using pip whilst others used pip3 as the above command does.

Read the entire link for all possible solutions.


In my case installing PostgreSQL 9.4 solved the problem...

apt-get install postgresql-9.4

Then I stopped and disabled the service because I didn't need it...

systemctl postgresql stop
systemctl postgresql disable

Thanks! =D

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