With apt I've installed the tomcat8 package for Ubuntu Server 18.04.
I've read this Q/A already.

The default path in $CATALINA_HOME is /usr/share/tomcat8/. There is no folder "webapps". But in /var/lib/tomcat8/ is one. Both folders have a subfolder lib.
Tomcat's default app is place in /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps.
I've found some nice explanations for the catalina.home vs catalina.base question. But they didn't make it clear to me, how Ubuntu's configuration should be used.

Where should I place my webapps if I use a single instance of Tomcat only?

1 Answer 1


You can get to know this by listing all paths installed by apt using

dpkg -L tomcat8 | grep webapp

The result shows


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