Some days ago I were trying to install OpendTect in Ubuntu, I have the .sh OpendTect installer for linux.

I did run:

chmod a+x OpendTect_Installer_lux32.sh

And the installer is similar to windows, when the "windows look like install finish" and it says everything's fine in the terminal says core dumped and i can't run start_dtect because it says the same error core dumped.

2 Answers 2


I have installed it with the actions below:

sudo apt-get install csh
cd ~/Downloads
wget http://download.opendtect.org/relman/OpendTect_Installer_lux64.sh
sh OpendTect_Installer_lux64.sh

It was installed to ~/OpendTect.

If I start it with ~/OpendTect/6.2.0/start_dtect I get the same
Segmentation fault (core dumped).

But I can launch it by command (specifying library directory manually)

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/$USER/OpendTect/6.2.0/bin/lux64/Release \

OpendTect 6.2.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Note: I have never used this software, just installed to help you.


@N0rbert gave usefull informations here.

OpendTect uses csh scripts to set up the necessary environment and these fail with a segfault. After digging a bit, I found that the segfault is caused by

eval `"${DTECT_APPL}/bin/mksethdir"`

Replacing this line in two scripts with setenv HDIR lux64; setenv binsubdir lux64 fix the issue.

In my case I have a lux64 folder in OpendTect/6.4.0/bin/. If it's not the case for you, change lux64 by whatever you have.

Here is the quick fix with sed :

cd ~/OpendTect/6.4.0/bin # or wherever your opendtect folder is
sed -i 's/eval `"\$DTECT_APPL\/bin\/mksethdir"`/setenv HDIR lux64;  setenv binsubdir lux64/g' init_dtect
sed -i 's/eval `"\$DTECT_APPL\/bin\/mksethdir"`/setenv HDIR lux64;  setenv binsubdir lux64/g' od_exec

If anyone knows why eval is failing here, let us know.

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