I didn't use to have this problem but lately, while I have Google's Android emulator running, my system audio (not talking about the emulator's audio) sounds very distorted and metallic. Sometimes it will work fine for a minute and then start to sound messed up again. As soon as I shut down the emulator, everything sounds fine. I'm having this problem whether I use speakers or headphones. I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 with the latest version of Android Studio.

Does anybody have any clue as to a fix or workaround?

Edit: As a workaround I'm starting the emulator from the terminal with

emulator -noaudio -avd my_avd

This seems to fix the sound issues but is obviously not an ideal solution.

  • 1
    I'm having a similar problem, but I am not sure what exactly is causing it. I started having this issue a few months ago on 16.04 HWE as well. I think it may be a bug in pulseaudio or alsa dealing with the pulseaudio integration. If nothing is playing when I start a VM (or some certain other apps), everything stays fine usually. If I have audio playing and start or stop the VM at the same time, audio becomes distorted, but is corrected usually when opening pavucontrol or system settings audio panel, or sometimes I will need to switching between digital/analog output.
    – dobey
    Jun 9, 2018 at 12:28

2 Answers 2


I did what was written on this link and it solved the problem for me.

In /etc/pulse/default.pa change load-module module-udev-detect to load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0

and in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf change ; default-sample-rate = 44100 to default-sample-rate = 48000

Finally, restart pulseaudio with pulseaudio -k (or you simply restart the computer)

  • 1
    Thank you! Solved it for me on 18.04. Had to also reboot after pulseaudio -k before my music player started working again.
    – Pete Doyle
    Nov 25, 2018 at 3:03
  • Thanks, solved the problem for me on 18.10.
    – vocasle
    Dec 27, 2018 at 6:25
  • Thanks fixed it for me on Ubuntu 19.04
    – bibble235
    Jun 5, 2019 at 2:43
  • Fixed it for me, running Manjaro KDE with 5.4 kernel Apr 11, 2020 at 17:11
  • Thanks, fixed the issue for me on Arch Linux running Gnome
    – Wingsuit
    Jul 23, 2020 at 8:32

it partially worked for me. I use a 25 inch monitor next to the notebook with my speakers connected to the monitor and with ubuntu 22.04.

When running both commands, I was no longer able to manually configure the speakers in the OS configuration menu and the sound only worked on the notebook (I didn't want that).

I deleted the second command (default-sample-rate = 48000) and kept the first one (load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0). After resetting pulseaudio it worked fine.

Detail: By default in the pulseaudio configuration of my PC, there was no 'default-sample-rate', not even in the old amount quoted in the post (default-sample-rate = 44100)

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