Total Ubuntu/Linux in general noob here.

What is the difference between /home and /Home ? I've noticed I need to use sudo to do anything in /home. /Home (home folder?) has pictures, videos, etc. in it so thats where I want to really create new folders and stuff but I can't seem to get to it using cd.

1 Answer 1


With /Home you are probably referring to what in Nautilus is signified with 'Home'. The name of this folder actually is not "Home". This folder is named /home/ in the filesystem. /home is the folder which contains all the users Home-folders. (Which explains why you need sudo to do anything there.) /home/username is the personal folder of that user.

So, you can type cd /home/ and press tab to see which options you have (or if you're the only user it will autocomplete your username). ls /home will list all the files and folders in /home. If you have anything there, I would highly recommend moving it to your personal folder, since that's much cleaner.

Faster ways you can cd back to it, are cd (without arguments) or cd ~ (with a possible path behind it, like ~/Pictures )

  • Ah ok, thanks, I think the reason I couldn't cd to what I am calling /Home is because I am already in it when I turn terminal on. If I do ls it lists pictures, music, etc. I am not sure how to get back to it once I cd to another folder though
    – mwmnj
    Feb 15, 2012 at 19:39
  • I've added a little bit about how you can quickly cd back to it. I hope it's useful :) Feb 15, 2012 at 20:47

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